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Legal responsibility statement – Exclusion of responsibility
The content of the site and the furnished information constitute a guide of general character and not exhaustive and complete.The intent absolutely is not that to offer a service or legal information, neither a legal opinion, legal consultation. As well as the intent absolutely is not that to offer a service, information, consultation in any other professional sector-field.
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MARRA URSO LEGAL ASSOCIATED reserves, and will use its best efforts, to continually adjourn the contained information of the present site but it doesn’t guarantee the completeness and the updating in every part of it.
MARRA URSO LEGAL ASSOCIATED and /or someone of its Lawyers/Professionals and or its employee don’t check and they are not liable of the contents and/or of the information supplied from the web-sites visited and/or consultable through Links and /or contained in the visited and/or consultable web-sites’ links.
MARRA URSO LEGAL ASSOCIATED and/or someone of its Lawyers/Professionals and or its employee are not liable for damages, suffered, of any nature and/or connected directly or indirectly to the visit of the web-sites consulted e/o consultable through Links and or contained in the visited and/or consultable web-sites’ links and/or of the services supplied from.
MARRA URSO LEGAL ASSOCIATED and/or someone of its Lawyers/Professionals and or its employee are not liable for any damage of any nature (included but not limited to direct, indirect, accidental, loss of data and information, damage to computers of those people that they connect with the present web-site, missed profit,…. ) suffered by those people that visit this web site, independently from the nature of the alleged claim (included but not limited to contractual and extra-contractual) in connection with and or arising out from the access and/or visit of the present web-site, and/or to have relied on the contents/information supplied in it, and/or for any other reason and cause related to the consultation and navigation of any page of the site
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Privacy Policy
In compliance with article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, Italian Code related to the protection of the personal data, MARRA URSO LEGAL ASSOCIATED informs those people that visit and/or interact with this web-site, with respect to the specific purpose to protect the personal data, that the relevant informative is accessible, and done, at the page , corresponding to the initial page of the Italian version of web-site.
The informative is made only for the site of the MARRA URSO LEGAL and not also for other web-sites consulted and or consultable through links and/or contained in the visited and/or consultable web-sites’ links.
You are invited to visit the Italian page privacy policy, , in which are described the management and formalities related to the treatment of the personal data, for both persons and enterprises that visit this web-site.
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Viale G. Cesare, n. 71
00912 Roma
VAT nr. 14495561004